CSSP Course

CSSP 302 : Thermal Dynamics : Mastering Heat Transfer

Heat transfer is a pillar (core class) for all disciplines of engineering and this course delves into the dynamics involved in the process. Students will learn about the fundamentals of heat transfer and the different parameters that govern the effective and efficient transference of energy. Furthermore, mathematical approaches to solving heat transfer problems will be developed as well as an ability to apply the lessons learnt to real world problems. Additionally, students will study different unit operations that are used on an industrial level for thermal control. Heat exchangers will be primarily covered but as time permits, other units may be touched upon such as air conditioners. Although these “practical” experiments will be virtual, students will be exposed to the actual operation of these equipment and how their data is collected and analyzed. Finally, students will be given scenarios to determine the necessary parameters and dimensions for a heat exchanger that will achieve the desired level of heat transfer/temperature of a process stream. This is an excellent opportunity for high school students with an advanced background in Chemistry and Math and are interested in Engineering in college.

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